Plastic Disaster Productions is an enterprise staffed by Laura Hartwick, Karl Ewald and CyberTimmy dedicated to producing cultural productions of painting based electronic media events and doing really high quality, interesting and fun design for print and web media.

Plastic Disaster Productions specializes in website design, where we merge great visual and interface design with the latest in javascript, cgi scripting, audio and capabilites to do E-commerce on secure servers.

Want to shop? Visit Hollywood Suburbia Wildlife MiniMall, Is now open for excellent shopping art enjoyment. You can also visit laurah's Consumption Club a reasonably functional shoppping art event that has functioned on the web since 1994, making it sort of a web antique. It's still operational! Me and my art pal Karl Ewald just had a piece in the show Work Space which traveled from San Francisco in 1996 to Los Angeles in Feb. 1997. We got a couple cool new things in the works right now, and have been teaching a digital art class together for California State Summer School for the Arts.

Send email to me and timmy with questions about my art, design or dog stuff.

PDP © 1997 PDP | http://www.plasticdisaster.com

| resume | design | shopping | dogs | ldegnl | nagano olympic coverage |